ABOUT Lurker Cigar
Lurker Cigar | a family-owned business
Lurker Cigar was founded in 2023 by a small group of family members who share the same passion for a quality premium cigar. The brand was created to provide an enjoyable experience for enthusiasts, focusing on quality, premium cigars with distinctive flavor profiles.
Our goal at Lurker Cigar is to provide premium cigars, combining both affordability and quality. Lurker Cigar is a small family-owned business, combining tobacco from various regions and our boncheros have experience with developing premium blends. The name “Lurker” is sometimes used to describe a person in the cigar community who enjoys a cigar quietly without participating in discussions.
Lurker Cigar blends are intended to appeal to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers in the cigar world, offering a wide range of blends that appeal to various palates.
Our goal at Lurker Cigar is to provide premium cigars, combining both affordability and quality. Lurker Cigar is a small family-owned business, combining tobacco from various regions and our boncheros have experience with developing premium blends. The name “Lurker” is sometimes used to describe a person in the cigar community who enjoys a cigar quietly without participating in discussions.
Lurker Cigar blends are intended to appeal to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers in the cigar world, offering a wide range of blends that appeal to various palates.
Explore the Artistry of Fine Cigars
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